Stone Pile 6
John Van Alstine
MATERIAL: stone: Colorado flagstone; metal: steel
DIMENSIONS: overall: 57 1/2 in x 79 in x 79 in
CREDIT: Grounds For Sculpture, Gift of Polytechnic University, Original Gift of the Dobkin Family
© Artist or Artist's Estate, photo: Ken Ek
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According to the artist, the sculpture 'Stone Pile 6' was influenced by the Western landscape in which he was living at the time of its creation. Sedimentary stone, that formed layers over millions of years, was abundant in this area. Van Alstine stacked layers of Colorado flagstone to echo and reiterate the nature of the material and how it came to existence. Van Alstine also relates the sculpture to the human impulse to stack for storing, moving, counting, and building.