Arch II, Set II
Elizabeth Strong-Cuevas
MATERIAL: metal: aluminum
DIMENSIONS: overall: 144 in x 132 in x 156 in
CREDIT: Grounds For Sculpture, Gift of The Seward Johnson Atelier
© Artist or Artist's Estate, photo: David W. Steele
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Like 'Two Face Telescope', 'Arch II, Set II' also features a double portrait, but unlike ‘Two Face Telescope’, these profiles lack a physical connective element. The proximity of these twin forms initially integrates the disparate structures, but ultimately the space between them is irreconcilable. Her formal pairs of profiles articulate the psychodynamic drama of human relationships, specifically, the encounter of external others and between internal others. It is this visual and psychological dialogue that lends complexity and a strange intensity to her work.
'Arch II, Set II' is part of a series of Arches grouped in sets one through five dating between 1985 and 1995. In these monumental works, the profile acquires a shrine-like quality as it functions as both a frame and a niche. The interior negative space of the Arches suggests a kind of spiritual or sublime gateway to the inner world.